Friday, January 22, 2010

TONIGHT 6-8pm: League of Pissed Off Voters Radio

Call in--> 415-341-1199 Text in --> 415-533-4694

A Year Without Getting in a Car: ADAM GREENFIELD

SF's Adam Greenfield went through all of 2009 without getting in a car and apparently this really pissed off the commenters on SFHate, which means me definitely must be doing something right!

The Gubbins Experiment, as he dubbed it, went pretty damn well and it earned him the attention of CNN,, and more. Find out what he learned and call in with your questions!


Bicycle/Pedestrian Access Across the Bay Bridge

Some forward-thinking folks aren't buying it that we can't create shore to shore bike and pedestrian access on the Bay Bridge. Learn about efforts to make this happen and a very important hearing coming up on January 27.

Three ways to listen to the show:

- In Person: Come down to the Pirate Cat Radio cafe and watch the show live or join in. 2781 21st Street at Florida.

- iTunes Radio: Click on the "radio" link in iTunes, expand the "Alternative" tab, and scroll down to Pirate Cat Radio.

- Streaming Online: at

- Podcast: Download podcasts of the last five shows at

No, you can't listen on 87.9 FM in SF because the FCC saw fit to fine us $10K for serving up commercial free, community-based radio.