Friday, May 29, 2009

5/29: SF Tenants Union, How to save California, Prop h8

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1st hour: Renters Economic Relief Package - Ted Gullickson, director of the San Francisco Tenants Union, will break down the new legislative package being carried by Chris Daly that is intended to bring relief to tenants struggling in today's economy. We'll take caller's questions and no doubt hit upon lots of other current tenant issues.

2nd hour: California Makeover and Prop h8 -
The Economist says California is the "ungovernable state." The SF Bay Guardian says our state needs an "extreme makeover" to save it from complete collapse. SFBG reporter Rebecca Bowe will share some of the wisdom from her and Tim Remond's epic piece from this week's Guardian.

Kip Ruckus Williams of One Struggle One Fight will talk about what we need to do next now that the California Supreme Court has upheld the ban on same sex marriages in California.

Friday, May 22, 2009

5/22: SF Street Art & Grafitti, Coleman Advocates, Election Wrap up

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1st hour: Election Wrap Up and Coleman Advocates for Children and Youth - Maybe you hadn't noticed but there was a "special" election last Tuesday. What happened Tuesday and what really needs to happen to save our bankrupt state? Learn about the new campaign co-launched by the League to eliminate the absurd 2/3 requirement for the legislature to pass state budgets.

We'll also hear from Coleman Advocates and their efforts to pass an "A thru G" equity plan to graduate all SFUSD students ready for college and living wage work.

2nd hour: Street Art and Graffiti - What's happening in SF with Graffiti and Street art today? What motivates our city's street artists and graffiti writers? Should the City be trying to eliminate graffiti from our public landscape? Is that even possible? [Hint: no.] We'll hear from some brilliant local artists including the legendary Reyes, Eddie, E Clair Acuda, Russell Howse (Stencil Nation), and Chris Brennan (Bay Area Grafitti and San Francisco Street Art.) Damn this is gonna be dope!

Sign the League's Declaration of Democracy: Budgets and taxes should be approved by a majority vote of the legislature! Go to to sign the declaration.

Friday, May 15, 2009

5/15: Muni's budget, Bay to Breakers, & the May Special Election

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- Muni's budget: Bryan Goebel from and Chris Roberts from joined us to talk about Muni's budget that includes fare increases and service cuts.
- Bay to Breakers: Ed Sharpless from Citizens for the Preservation of Bay to Breakers talked to us about their work to keep Bay to Breakers fun.
- May election: We talked about the bullshit that is the May 19th special election. Check out the League's voter guide at
- John Ross: Finally, the awesomeness that is John Ross breathing fire at the Board of Supervisors. Check the video.

Friday, May 8, 2009

5/8: Ross Mirkarimi, Worked Owned Co-Ops, and Live Funk

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1st hour: Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi - This week's Board of Supervisors meeting was probably the most substantive of the year. We talked with Supervisor Mirkarimi about the controversial Sunset Reservoir solar energy project, his effort to save Access SF, and the possibility of converting the Sharp Park golf course into a nature preserve and recreation area.

2nd hour: Worker-owned Cooperatives - Democracy in the Workplace, Responsibility in the Community. A conversation about the concept of worker-owned businesses and workplace democracy with guest hosts Poonam Whabi (Design Action Collective & Network of Bay Area Worker Cooperatives - NoBAWC) and Dan Thomases (Box Dog Bikes & NoBAWC)

They led a discussion with this panel: Tim Huet (Arizmendi Association of Cooperatives), Dave Karoly (NoBAWC Staff), Kasper Koczab (NoBAWC Staff), Annie Danger (Modern Times Bookstore)

BONUS 3rd hour: Frobeck - From Sebastapol, they place Funk, and not noodlely standard whiteguy instrumental funk, but real funk with real songs (originals and covers like "what is hip" by tower of power!) and they are great time. They joined us in the studio and played live in the cafe. Check the podcast:

Playlist (song - artist - album)
Working Men Are Pissed (League theme song) - Minutemen
Ghosts of You and Me - Soulsavers - It's Not How Far You Fall, It's the Way You Land
Veni Vidi Vici - The Black Lips (Diplo remix) - Decent Work for Decent Pay
Life Is Cartoons - Arecee - Beating a Dead Horse
Rich Folks Hoax - Rodriguez - Cold Fact
Gunslinger - Bo Diddley - Bo Diddley Is a Gunslinger
Not Gonna Happen to Me - Frobeck - Balancing the Sun
By My Side - Frobeck - Balancing the Sun

Friday, May 1, 2009

5/01: San Francisco Public Defender Jeff Adachi

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First Hour: SF Public Defender Jeff Adachi - Jeff Adachi is currently fighting budget cuts proposed by Mayor Newsom that Adachi says would destroy his office's ability to provide adequate representation to their clients. Meanwhile, the Constitution Project, a bi-partisan commission, has issued a report on the poor state of indigent defense in this country. There has been a lot of interest both nationally and locally in how the criminal justice system may be affected by budget cuts to defender offices. Jeff will be discussing these issues and will tell us all about next week's Justice Summit that his office is hosting here in SF.

Second Hour: Educators for a Democratic Union
- We'll be joined by Adrienne Johnstone and Darlene Anaya, two members of the EDU, a progressive reform-minded slate of candidates running for leadership of the United Educators - San Francisco. They'll tell us all about the changes they would bring as leaders of the SF teachers' union.