Friday, May 14, 2010

Human Rights Report from Columbia and the Epic Westin Hotel Performance/Protest!

Tonight on Pissed Off Radio
6 to 8 PM

We'll talk with MOIRA BIRSS, who just returned from two years working with the Fellowship of Reconciliation Colombia Program as an human rights observer in San Jose de Apartado and Bogota, Colombia to support communities and organizations that nonviolently resist war and displacement in the context of Colombia's decades-long conflict.

We're also thrilled to have with us WENDY VINAIGRETTE from the BRASS LIBERATION ORCHESTRA and TOOTLES from HAVOQ/PRIDE AT WORK (with their fabulous new website!) who were some the wonderful folks behind the utterly amazing musical performance / protest action last weekend at the Westin Hotel. If you're living in a cave and haven't seen it yet, here's the brilliant video that has exceeded 100,000 views since Monday!

Three ways to listen to the show:

- In Person: Come down to the Pirate Cat Radio cafe and watch the show live or join in. 2781 21st Street at Florida.

- iTunes Radio: Click on the "radio" link in iTunes, expand the "Alternative" tab, and scroll down to Pirate Cat Radio.

- Streaming Online: at

- Podcast: Download podcasts of the last five shows at