Friday, June 26, 2009

6/26: SF Mime Troupe, Supervisor Avalos, Bike Plan, & Green Energy!

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FIRST HOUR: We're thrilled to welcome back the legendary The San Francisco Mime Troupe which is celebrating its 50th year of incredible, socially relevant theater! They'll be telling us all about summer's show "Too Big to Fail."

SECOND HOUR: We'll be catching up on all kinds of political happenings. Supervisor John Avalos will give us the latest the SF budget battle. Julian Mocine-McQueen from Green for All will give us the latest on the federal climate change bill, and we'll talk about the MTA's approval of the bike plan.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

6/12: Matt Gonzalez + the Sexy Soup Lady

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Matt Gonzalez will join us for most of the show. Gonzalez is the former president of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors who narrowly lost to Gavin Newsom in the 2003 campaign for Mayor--despite being a member of the minority Green Party and being vastly outspent. In 2008, Gonzalez ran for Vice President as Ralph Nader's running mate.

We'll talk to him about his past campaigns, his plans for the future, and his thoughts on the current state of the City. We're also hoping that Matt will bring some music to play for us, and that he'll stick around for some lighter banter with the Charm School show at 8 p.m.

The Sexy Soup Cart Lady will join us around 6. We'll talk with her about the exploding street food movement in the Mission, what's up with the police and health department, and what makes her soup sexy. Susan Cross--an organic, sustainable food and policy expert who is organizing the Eat Real Festival--will also join the discussion. Susan is a long-time Mission resident who knows a lot of the details of food cart regulations.

Friday, June 5, 2009

6/5: Sunday Streets in the Mission + City Budget Update

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1st hour: Sunday Streets in the Mission - Susan King will tell us about this Sunday's plan for car-free streets in the Mission! From Dolores Park, up Valencia, and down 24th. Marc Caswell from the SF Bike Coalition will give us some history on car-free spaces and ciclovias.

2nd hour: City budget update with Paul Hogarth - Paul Hogarth from joined us to talk about the City budget.