Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Fri. 11/13 - From South Africa: Ashraf Cassiem of the Western Cape Anti-Eviction Campaign

Damn, do we have an incredibly special show/event lined up for this week!

We will be joined in the Cafe by Ashraf Cassiem, chairperson of the Western Cape Anti-Eviction Campaign (South Africa) .

The Western Cape Anti-Eviction Campaign has been fighting since 2000 on the frontlines of the struggle for the right to the city in postapartheid, neoliberal South Africa. The AEC is a grassroots coordinating body for over 15 community organizations fighting against displacement, privatization, poverty and police brutality, organized from below by and for the poor people of the Western Cape province.

Join us on the air and in the Cafe as we welcome Ashraf Cassiem for a discussion and Q and A with the audience.

HUGE thanks to James Tracy for organizing this brilliant event and for helping remind us why we love this city so much!

Read a very inspiring open letter to U.S. housing activists from the organizers of the AEC in The Nation.

The privatization of land--a public resource for all that has now become a false commodity--was the original sin, the original cause of this financial crisis. With the privatization of land comes the dispossession of people from their land which was held in common by communities. With the privatization of land comes the privatization of everything else, because once land can be bought and sold, almost anything else can eventually be bought and sold. . .

Make sure poor communities control their own movements because, as we say, no one can lead without us. Make sure you break the government's laws when necessary, but never break your own laws which you set for yourselves.

Most important of all, do not forget you have much to teach us as well. We all have much to learn from one another.

Amandla Ngawethu! Power to the Poor People!

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