Friday, October 9, 2009

10/9: Melissa Griffin's election preview, kiss Ammiano's gay ass, Obama man of peace?

- Examiner columnist Melissa Griffin will talk about the November ballot, particularly Props A and B, and whatever else is on her mind.
- Kiss Ammiano's Gay Ass: The Governor stopped by the SF Democratic Party's party and our man Tom told him what's what.
- Obama, man of peace?: We'll talk about the President winning the Nobel Peace Prize. Is it a sign of his transformative effect on the world, a preemptive peace attack by the Nobel committee, or did Norway just figure this was the best way to get a visit from the Prez?

And tune in next week for a special show:
- 1st hour: SF writer and activist Stephen Elliott will talk about his new memoir, The Adderall Diaries, which is blowing up the literary world. We'll also talk about his local political work, including the Progressive Reading Series, fighting the proposed American Apparel, and more.
- 2nd hour: 20th anniversary of the '89 earthquake with Mayor Art Agnos - The man who was Mayor will tell us about what went down and the aftermath that lead to the fall of the Embarcadero and Central freeways. (NOTE: The interview with Mayor Agnos will be pre-recorded at Pirate Cat Radio on Saturday October 10th at 12 p.m.)
We're also hunting up other perspectives on the earthquake, including Alex Clemens, a fresh-faced legislative aide at the time.
PARTICIPATE IN THE SHOW: If you were around for the 1989 earthquake and want to share your story, email us at

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