Friday, May 22, 2009

5/22: SF Street Art & Grafitti, Coleman Advocates, Election Wrap up

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1st hour: Election Wrap Up and Coleman Advocates for Children and Youth - Maybe you hadn't noticed but there was a "special" election last Tuesday. What happened Tuesday and what really needs to happen to save our bankrupt state? Learn about the new campaign co-launched by the League to eliminate the absurd 2/3 requirement for the legislature to pass state budgets.

We'll also hear from Coleman Advocates and their efforts to pass an "A thru G" equity plan to graduate all SFUSD students ready for college and living wage work.

2nd hour: Street Art and Graffiti - What's happening in SF with Graffiti and Street art today? What motivates our city's street artists and graffiti writers? Should the City be trying to eliminate graffiti from our public landscape? Is that even possible? [Hint: no.] We'll hear from some brilliant local artists including the legendary Reyes, Eddie, E Clair Acuda, Russell Howse (Stencil Nation), and Chris Brennan (Bay Area Grafitti and San Francisco Street Art.) Damn this is gonna be dope!

Sign the League's Declaration of Democracy: Budgets and taxes should be approved by a majority vote of the legislature! Go to to sign the declaration.

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