Friday, January 9, 2009

1/9: Alex Clemens & John Dunbar on the Board of Supervisors, and Tom Radulovich about BART Police

6 - 7 PM: Alex Clemens from and political consultant John Dunbar will discuss about yesterday's vote for the new President of the Board and what 2009 has in store for San Francisco.
7 - 8 PM: A discussion about the shooting of Oscar Grant, BART Police oversight, and the recent protests in Oakland. Our guests including Tom Radulovich, San Francisco representative on the BART Board and several members of the League of Pissed Off Voters.

Music setlist (artist - song - album):
Broun Fellinis - Real Moments 1 - Real Moments
Lighter Thieves - Mission Street - Demo
My Last Day on Earth - Oubliette - Iron-On Tattoo
Bob Dylan - Things Have Changed - Wonder Boys Soundtrack

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